How Dogs Help with Anxiety

separation anxiety

The mental health community has known the power of a pet for decades. They provide love, comfort and support. People have an inborn need for love, companionship and someone with which to share their fears and anxieties. Feeling cared for aids in building confidence and resilience. Dogs provide all of that and more. People experience…

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City Style Pet Waste Stations

The majority of dog owners are considerate to others and clean up after their four-footed friends. However, dog feces are an ever-increasing problem for large cities. An easy and effective solution are city style pet waste stations that provide convenient bags and a receptacle for disposal of feces. Pet waste stations are applicable anywhere there…

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Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Dog Owner Etiquette

Dogs rank No. 1 as the most popular pets in the U.S. and while many people want a dog, they’re reluctant to adopt because they demonstrate allergy symptoms when around a canine. According to the American Kennel Club, approximately 10 percent of the population is allergic to dog hair and dander. There are a number…

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Are Dog Waste Bags Environmentally Friendly?

Dog owners know they have to clean up their dog’s feces and an increasing number of canine owners are questioning the environmental friendliness of their dog waste bags. The answer depends on the ingredients from which it’s manufactured. Some are simply plastic bags designed to contain waste until it can be disposed of properly. Other…

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What is a Dog Poop Composter?

Many individuals and city officials are seeking ways to make the tons of dog waste deposited every year useful rather than detrimental to the environment. To that end, dog waste composters have been developed that can be buried in the soil to feed lawns. Never use a dog waste composter in vegetable gardens, near fruit…

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Innovative Ways Countries are Addressing Dog Waste

Dog feces are overwhelming cities and neighborhoods. Many businesses and municipalities have installed pet waste receptacles and bag dispensers to help alleviate the problem. While that’s the preferred method in South Florida and across the U.S., some cities and countries are resorting to innovative, and sometimes shocking, campaigns to encourage people to dispose of dog…

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Dog Breeds not Suited for the Florida Heat

It’s a fact of canine physiology – some dogs are simply not able to handle the heat in Florida and are at a high risk of suffering heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Some are brachycephalic, meaning they have short skulls and flat faces, making it difficult for them to breathe and regulate body temperature. Others…

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Why Use Dog Waste Pick Up Tools

pet waste station distributor - Crown Products

From plastic bags to vacuums, dog owners are utilizing methods that don’t bring them into direct contact with their canine’s wastes. Those that pick up after their dog are to be commended. They’re helping to mitigate the spread of disease, illness, parasites, and helping to protect the environment. The following are some of the methods…

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Top 10 Reasons to Leash Your Dog

leash your dog

Everyone has encountered at least one dog that insists on greeting every person they see – whether that person wants to interact or not – and there’s not a leash in sight. For many canines, it’s a natural love of people and an exuberance for life. However, there are a number of good reasons to…

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Dog Owner Etiquette

Dog Owner Etiquette

There are many etiquette rules in society regarding canines. Some are simply common sense and polite behavior, while others are actually laws that have been enacted for the common good. One of the habits that people complain about most – and with good reason – is the disposal of canine feces. There are also other…

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