
Ways of Feeding your Dog

Ask any 10 people how often you should feed your dog and you’ll get 10 different answers. The topic is hotly debated and there’s no definitive consensus. As long as your dog is healthy, not overweight, obtaining proper nutrition and not going hungry, much will depend on a family’s schedule and your veterinarian’s advice. Schedule…

dog walking

The Importance of Walking Your Dog

Many people view taking their dog for a walk simply as a way to have them relieve themselves. Walking your dog is important for a variety of reasons for both you and your canine. It’s an ideal time for bonding with your dog and succeeds in getting you both some healthy exercise. It’s essential that…


Fostering a Dog can be Beneficial to Both Human and Dog

Dogs crave companionship as much as people and fostering a dog offers multiple benefits for canines and their humans. Canines find their way to shelters for any number of reasons. They may have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Some are relinquished when their human companions relocate to a domicile that doesn’t allow pets, their humans…


Things to Consider When Adopting a Dog

Whether a family is adopting a puppy or an adult dog, it’s not a decision that should be made lightly. A canine will depend on its human family to meet its needs ranging from food to veterinary care. Adopting a dog is a commitment for the canine’s lifetime. Animals are not disposable or accessories. Take…


Five Basic Commands All Dogs Should Know

All Dogs Should Should Know These Five Commands When training a dog, one should first understand why commands and obedience are important. Yes, it’s great to be able to tell a dog to speak or shake and see them do it. People are impressed. The dogs seem happy and the dog owners seem to get…


Ways to Dog Proof a Yard

Dog-proofing a yard takes some time and consideration but is most beneficial to both the dog and the homeowner. In order to ensure your pet doesn’t wreak havoc on the backyard, and to prevent harm to the animal, it is important to make sure your yard is dog-proof. This means you have to take into…


How To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth

Despite the fact that a dog’s mouth really is quite a bit cleaner than a human’s (and dogs are a lot less likely to develop dental issues like cavities), it is still critically important that you do everything you can to keep your dog’s teeth and smile as healthy as possible. They aren’t brushing their…


8 Ways To Calm Your Dog Down During a Thunderstorm

It’s hurricane season. We all know what that means, but your dog has no idea. Thunderstorms are bound to happen, and your dogs can sense them before we even know its coming. Dogs are more aware of their surroundings than humans. Detecting bad weather is one of their specialties. If your dog starts to bark…


7 Things HOA’s (Home Owners’ Associations) Can Do to Benefit Pet Owners

Stress and anxiety seem to be part of modern day living, and it has been found that having a pet helps relieve the feeling of unhappiness or tension. But it can be difficult to manage a pet in a city, especially in a condo or planned housing area. A homeowner’s association is usually established to…


How Can Municipalities Create Pet-Friendly Communities?

There are many advantages to municipalities when they create pet-friendly communities. People are healthier and better adjusted mentally when they have well-cared-for pets. Pets provide companionship, dog walking encourages exercise, people who have pets tend to be more likely to get to know their neighbors as they are out walking their dogs. There is a…