Flea Season in Florida

Pet parents in Florida don’t get a break from flea season due to the state’s subtropical climate. Fleas in Florida breed and multiple year-round. They’re at their most active during hot and humid summer months, but fleas have no off-season in Florida. Fleas can also carry disease. They can carry and transmit the bacteria Yersinia…

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Signs Your Apartment Complex is Dog Friendly

Many apartment complexes allow pets or claim to be dog compatible, but they’re not really pet-friendly. If you have a dog, there are things to look for that will tell you if the complex will be a good place for you and your canine companion to live. Many landlords advertise that they allow pets, but…

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Do Pet Waste Stations Work?

Pet waste stations

The short answer is yes. It’s the responsibility of dog owners to clean up after their canines and most individuals are diligent about the task. However, there are times when people are rushed and they forget to take a bag. There are also those that refuse to take care of pet waste under the mistaken…

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Controlling Dog Waste with Waste Stations

pet waste stations

Controlling the amount of dog waste, particularly in city environments, is becoming an increasingly concerning issue. Pet waste has a variety of negative impacts on people and pets, soil and water supplies, and wildlife. The solution is simple, though often overlooked – pet waste stations. Establishing the stations isn’t just for placement in neighborhoods. They’re…

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Pet Waste Stations Encourage Residents to Clean Up

pet waste stations

Neighborhoods are often plagued by a few inconsiderate dog owners that have multiple excuses for not cleaning up after their canine. Even if no amount of shaming notices or fines alter their behavior, installing a pet waste station will encourage other residents to clean up after their dog. Pet waste stations are available as stand-alone…

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Top 10 Reasons to Leash Your Dog

leash your dog

Everyone has encountered at least one dog that insists on greeting every person they see – whether that person wants to interact or not – and there’s not a leash in sight. For many canines, it’s a natural love of people and an exuberance for life. However, there are a number of good reasons to…

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Ways of Feeding your Dog

Ask any 10 people how often you should feed your dog and you’ll get 10 different answers. The topic is hotly debated and there’s no definitive consensus. As long as your dog is healthy, not overweight, obtaining proper nutrition and not going hungry, much will depend on a family’s schedule and your veterinarian’s advice. Schedule…

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The Importance of Walking Your Dog

dog walking

Many people view taking their dog for a walk simply as a way to have them relieve themselves. Walking your dog is important for a variety of reasons for both you and your canine. It’s an ideal time for bonding with your dog and succeeds in getting you both some healthy exercise. It’s essential that…

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Dog Owner Etiquette

Dog Owner Etiquette

There are many etiquette rules in society regarding canines. Some are simply common sense and polite behavior, while others are actually laws that have been enacted for the common good. One of the habits that people complain about most – and with good reason – is the disposal of canine feces. There are also other…

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