What’s the Right Dog for You?

Many people dream of having a dog in their life, but aren’t sure where to start in making a selection. There are some basics you should look for in any dog that you’re thinking of adopting. The same considerations are operative whether you’re seeking a purebred dog or adopting one from a shelter. Just be…

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How to Find the Right Pet Trainer for You

Canines must have training and socialization to keep them safe and to know how to behave. Many people don’t have the time, patience or skill needed to teach their dog what they need to know. That means relying on a professional trainer. The goal is to identify a trainer that’s right for you and your…

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10 Fun Games to Play with Your Dog This Summer

dog park

There are dozens of ways to play your dog and get them some much needed exercise outside of taking simple walks. Pet parents need to keep in mind that play sessions should be kept relatively short during the hot and humid days of summer. Always make sure your canine has access to fresh, clean water…

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Is Your Pet Up on All Their Vaccinations?

Being a pet parent means getting your dog the appropriate inoculations to protect them against a variety of illnesses, diseases and parasites. Unvaccinated dogs can spread communicable illnesses to each other, along with humans, cats and wildlife. Required Vaccinations Florida requires a variety of vaccinations for canines. They must be given at the proper age…

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Top Safety Tips for Your Dog Park

service dog

Taking your canine to a dog park can be a joyous bonding experience for you both – but safety should always be uppermost in your mind. The following tips can help ensure that everyone, both humans and canines remain safe. Pre-Park Check List Dogs can quickly become overheated in South Florida’s hot and humid climate…

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Keep Your Parks Clean Using Multiple Pet Waste Stations

Dog excrement is creating a major problem for cities throughout the world. Dog waste is a serious health and environmental hazard. South Florida is at particular risk and is already on federal clean up lists. Revealing Studies Multiple studies have shown that a little over 60 percent of people do pick up after their canines.…

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Why Pet Waste Stations Should be Mandatory

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but their waste isn’t. Dog feces has become an overwhelming problem around the world, not just in South Florida. Mandatory pet waste stations could solve many of the problems associated with the ever-growing mountain of dog waste. In Florida, 56 percent of all households have at least 1 canine…

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How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog

leash your dog

Many people bathe their dog to prevent “doggie” smell. It’s more for the benefit of pet parents than the canine. There are multiple factors to consider encompassing the health of the canine, the length of their coat, breed, and their lifestyle. There’s not a single universal schedule for bathing a furry family member. A dog…

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Keep Your Nursery Smelling Fresh with Diaper Disposal Bags

Even though your nursery is full of sweet-smelling baby products, it can still become an odiferous maelstrom from odors originating from dirty diapers. Unfortunately, those unpleasant smells don’t stay in the nursery and can permeate the entire house. It’s a situation that can easily be remedied with diaper disposal bags. Many parents use the bags…

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Outdoor Amenities That Make Neighborhoods More Desirable

When people think of moving into a new neighborhood, there’s a range of amenities they seek that support their lifestyle. Individuals want a clean neighborhood and that takes on even more importance if they have children or pets. Modern buyers and renters are seeking areas that are within easy walking distance of the things they…

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