Gym Surfaces with the Most Germs
Many people assume the bathroom area at a gym contains the highest number of bacteria, viruses and fungi. There are numerous places within the average gym that are far more germ laden. Multiple conditions combine to create a soup of potentially transmissible illnesses ranging from the common cold, flu and COVID to norovirus, RSV and…
Why a Clean Gym Should be a Priority
Gyms are public places and those that frequent the facilities can bring in highly transmissible bacteria, viruses and fungi without even knowing it. Multiple studies have shown that gyms are well-known for their ability to spread illnesses, making cleanliness a high priority. Customers that attend fitness centers and gyms assume that the businesses take appropriate…
Gym Wipes for Flu Season
The flu season is almost here and it’s time to start thinking about cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Many gym owners increased the bar on their level of hygiene during the pandemic, but have since relaxed their requirements as life returned to normal. Gym owners need to remain vigilant with flu season fast approaching. The flu…
Gym Wipes are the New “Normal” for Cleanliness
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people heard a lot of statements referring to “the new normal” in regard to cleanliness and precautions for spreading the virus. Many of those precautions have fallen by the wayside as vaccines became available. However, disinfectant wipes have become the new normal for gym owners for a number of reasons. From…
Gym Disinfectant Wipes Provide Peace of Mind
Gyms and fitness centers continue to utilize pre-emptive cleaning methods to fight the spread of bacteria, fungi and especially viruses. All three pathogens are easily transmitted and disinfectant wipes have become the method of choice for fighting them. The wipes provide an elevated level of cleanliness and peace of mind for gym and fitness center…
Best Surface Cleaners for Gyms
Gym owners are faced with dozens of cleaning product choices, all claiming to be the best and most effective. It can be difficult to separate fact from fiction while providing clients with the elevated level of cleanliness that they expect. The ultimate decision on which surface cleaner is best will depend on the gym owner’s…
8 Biggest Complaints at the Gym
A visit to the gym is beneficial for physical health and can contribute to mental well-being. Most gym-goers are considerate and respectful, but there are always some whose behavior ranges from merely annoying or really rude to socially unacceptable. There’s little to be done if the gym owner refuses to enforce any applicable rules. The…
New Year’s Resolution Fitness Craze
One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to get fit and lose weight. Gym owners brace themselves every year for the influx of new clients by cleaning and sprucing up their facilities. The solution for cleanliness and preparing for large crowds following a fitness craze is with gym wipes. In today’s atmosphere of…
Quickly Sanitize Gym Equipment with Wipes
The COVID-19 virus and annual round of seasonal illnesses call for an enhanced level of sanitation, especially for gyms and fitness centers. An easy, efficient and cost-effective way to address viruses, bacteria and even fungal infections is with an ample supply of sanitizing wet wipes. Sanitizing wipe dispensers Sanitizing wipe dispensers can be used throughout…
Workout Hygiene
Seasonal illnesses are nothing new, but the chances of spreading them during a workout at a favorite gym can be mitigated with a little care and consideration. Individuals will be helping themselves and their families stay healthier, along with protecting others that may have underlying conditions. There are dozens of bacterial, viral, and fungal infections…