The Top Reasons To Always Clean Up After Your Pet
Have you ever walked into a local community area like a park, only to find that the grass or sidewalk is covered in dog waste? It can be frustrating living in a community where people don’t pick up after themselves, and worse yet, it can be harmful to our health. Here at Crown Products, we…
Health Hazards Associated With Pet Waste
Hello, and welcome once again to our blog here at Crown Products, LLC. If you recall from last time, we talked about some of the top reasons you’ll want to clean up after your dog if it does its business in your yard or anywhere in your community. One of the reasons we mentioned is…
How To Maintain A Clean Home With A Messy Dog
Dogs truly are a man’s best friend. Whether they’re providing us with moral support or simply a fluffy cushion to rest our arm on, dogs never leave our sides. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t make a mess sometimes that can be frustrating to deal with. Puppies that aren’t trained will often do their…
How To Pick The Best Locations For Your Dog Poop Bag Dispensers
Have you ever walked into your home only to realize you tracked something in? You pray that it’s just mud, but as you take a closer look, you realize what it actually is: dog poop. Yuck! Now you’re going to have to spend time and money cleaning your carpet in hopes that you’ll eventually get…
6 Things Every Dog Owner Should Know
Being a dog owner is a great experience. Owning a dog means never being lonely, taking on new responsibilities, and making a lifelong friend who will never leave your side. Although being a dog owner is great, it certainly comes with its challenges. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at some of…
5 Ways You Can Keep Your Community Clean
Welcome back to our blog here at Crown Products. If you’ve kept up with our blogs here, you know that we are a company offering pet waste bags, diaper disposal bags, and dispensers for each. And in this blog, we’re going to talk about the top ways to keep your community clean and safe that…
Five Basic Commands All Dogs Should Know
All Dogs Should Should Know These Five Commands When training a dog, one should first understand why commands and obedience are important. Yes, it’s great to be able to tell a dog to speak or shake and see them do it. People are impressed. The dogs seem happy and the dog owners seem to get…
Ways to Dog Proof a Yard
Dog-proofing a yard takes some time and consideration but is most beneficial to both the dog and the homeowner. In order to ensure your pet doesn’t wreak havoc on the backyard, and to prevent harm to the animal, it is important to make sure your yard is dog-proof. This means you have to take into…
How To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth
Despite the fact that a dog’s mouth really is quite a bit cleaner than a human’s (and dogs are a lot less likely to develop dental issues like cavities), it is still critically important that you do everything you can to keep your dog’s teeth and smile as healthy as possible. They aren’t brushing their…
Top 5 Most Popular Workouts At the Gym
While there are an infinite amount of different exercises you could knock out every time you go to the gym, only a handful of “staples” are practiced by pretty much every single person that wants to build a healthier, fitter body that won’t look bad when beach season rolls around. The top 5 most popular…