
gym wipes

Why Wipes are Better than Sprays for Your Gym

Maintaining a sufficient level of cleanliness requires a significant amount of time, money and products. The traditional method of sanitizing gyms consists of using a spray and cloths or paper towels to wipe off the excess. As a gym owner, you need to know there’s a better and more economical way to accomplish cleanliness goals….

pet waste stations

The Many Positives of Adding Pet Waste Stations

The majority of dog owners are responsible, courteous, and clean up after their pets. However, that still leaves a mountain of dog feces to dispose of each year. Many cities, communities and neighborhoods are addressing the problem by installing pet waste stations and their installation comes with a variety of positive aspects. Disease/Parasites Pet feces…

pet fur

Pet Fur Problems and how to Remove It

Pets give people unconditional love and they also leave unintentional reminders in the form of pet hair. No matter how well-groomed dogs and cats are, there’s still going to be loose hairs that deposit on clothing, furniture and drapes, along with locations that most individuals never think about. There are a number of solutions for…


Things to Consider When Adopting a Dog

Whether a family is adopting a puppy or an adult dog, it’s not a decision that should be made lightly. A canine will depend on its human family to meet its needs ranging from food to veterinary care. Adopting a dog is a commitment for the canine’s lifetime. Animals are not disposable or accessories. Take…


Neighborhood Pet Stations Help Keep Yards Clean

No one can predict where their canine will decide to relieve themselves and dogs tend to defecate in the same places – even if that happens to be a neighbor’s yard. It can add up to a particularly noxious problem if it’s not immediately cleaned up. Neighborhood pet stations help keep yards clean, aid in…


Every Public Bathroom Should have a Poopy Doo Dispenser

Everyone has experienced walking into a public bathroom, only for their olfactory senses to be assailed by the odor of a dirty diaper. It’s not the baby’s fault, parents or caregivers – babies have no control over the call of Nature. However, any establishment with a public bathroom can eliminate the problem with the installation…


Bulk Disinfectant Wipes for Cleaning Gym Equipment

Seasonal flu viruses have always required an elevated level of disinfecting and the COVID-19 pandemic brought that requirement into sharper focus. Gyms are now disinfecting on an even larger scale, making disinfectant wipes available to patrons, and encouraging them to disinfect before and after the use of equipment. Purchasing in bulk makes good fiscal sense…


Public Bathroom Essentials

There have definitely been improvements in the amenities available in public restrooms, but there’s still a long way to go. There are many things over which individuals have no control, such as how often toilet tissue and soap are replenished, but are essential for any public bathroom. Cleanliness is critical and as a greater awareness…


Save the Neighborhood with Pet Waste Stations

Pet waste is becoming an increasingly dire problem in neighborhoods across the nation. Inconsiderate dog owners refuse to clean up after their canines and the result is placed where it’s not safe to walk, bike or for kids to play without the potential for finding an unwanted mess on their shoes, tires or even clothes….

gym wipes

Surface Wipes are Convenient Germ Killers

A greater awareness in communicable viral, fungal and bacterial illnesses has changed the way many individuals prepare even for a short trip to the supermarket. Pre-moistened antibacterial wipes for surfaces have become one of the most highly sought products on the market and an essential item for any family. The wipes are convenient and provide…