Posts Tagged ‘neighborhood pet waste stations’
Pet Waste Stations Encourage Residents to Clean Up
Neighborhoods are often plagued by a few inconsiderate dog owners that have multiple excuses for not cleaning up after their canine. Even if no amount of shaming notices or fines alter their behavior, installing a pet waste station will encourage other residents to clean up after their dog. Pet waste stations are available as stand-alone…
Read MoreAdding Pet Waste Stations Increases Owner Compliance
Most people with dogs are considerate and pick up after their canines. However, there are always a few that don’t for any number of reasons. Installing pet waste stations is an incentive to take responsibility and increases compliance. Pet waste stations are available in two styles. One is a waste receptacle, while the second type…
Read MoreIndoor Pet Waste Station – Perfect for Hotel and Condo Lobbies
One of the most overlooked resources for hotels and condos is a pet waste station for sanitation. Residents have dogs that need to relieve themselves, and friends that visit may also have a dog. It doesn’t matter whether residents are walking their own canine or hire a dog walker, a pet waste station is an…
Read MoreThe Many Positives of Adding Pet Waste Stations
The majority of dog owners are responsible, courteous, and clean up after their pets. However, that still leaves a mountain of dog feces to dispose of each year. Many cities, communities and neighborhoods are addressing the problem by installing pet waste stations and their installation comes with a variety of positive aspects. Disease/Parasites Pet feces…
Read MoreSave the Neighborhood with Pet Waste Stations
Pet waste is becoming an increasingly dire problem in neighborhoods across the nation. Inconsiderate dog owners refuse to clean up after their canines and the result is placed where it’s not safe to walk, bike or for kids to play without the potential for finding an unwanted mess on their shoes, tires or even clothes.…
Read MoreNeighborhood Pet Stations: Keeping the Peace
There are nearly 90 million dogs across the U.S. A significant number reside in city and urban environments where they must be walked daily to take care of their elimination needs. Most owners are considerate, collect their dog’s feces, and dispose of the waste properly. Unfortunately, there are also inconsiderate or just plain lazy individuals…
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