
To Scoop or Not To Scoop, That Is the Question

For some dog owners, it is still a question whether or not to scoop up their dog’s poop. Apparently they are not thinking of the germs or the environment, or possibly they think “the rain will take care of it”. If you’re one of those dog owners that cleans up after your pooch, let us…


8 Benefits of Having a Dog

There are certain benefits to having a dog such as improved heart health, lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and decreased triglyceride levels, among other wonders, but today we thought we’d throw in some additional benefits that you may not have considered before. Here are ten (of the many) benefits of why having a canine companion…


These 10 Dogs Dressed As Santa Will Make Christmas Last A Little Longer



10 Christmas Gifts Your Dog Will Want This Year

Hide A Squirrel Fun Hide and Seek Interactive Puzzle Plush Toy What’s more fun than chasing squirrels? Not much according to your pup. Poopy Pouch Your dog wants you to look good in front of the neighbors and clean up his poop. The poopy pouch makes it neat and easy. Kong Rubber Flyer We all…


Thanksgiving Pet Safety

Thanksgiving is just days away and it’s important to remember that your dog matters too. With all the excitement and prepping that comes with Thanksgiving, there are a few things we need to remember to keep our furry friends safe during this busy time. First and foremost, make sure your pup’s tags and collars are…


Dogs Spotted by UPS Drivers on Their Daily Routes

UPS Dogs The age-old stereotype of postal and delivery workers feuding with dogs dates back to when television shows aired in black and white. A delivery person walks up the driveway and dogs go nuts. They begin barking like crazy and sometimes go in for an attack. However, this interaction is not as common as…


Should You Wipe Down Gym Yoga Mats to Avoid Germs?

A majority of gyms have a rule for their members to wipe down all equipment after use. Yet, there are tons of members that forego the wiping down of equipment daily. There are no rules about wiping down the communal yoga mats at the gym. It’s even possible the mats never get wiped down at…


These Dogs Failing at Catching Things Will Bring a Smile To Your Face

There are dogs that catch so well they should be on a professional football team. However, none of the following dogs fit into that category. They seem to have no sporty bone in their body as they fail to catch balls, treats, and more. These dogs try their best but continue to fail. But, don’t…


How Often Should I Clean My Dog's Ears?

Personal hygiene is a frequent routine for humans but dogs are also in need of a regular hygiene routine. In order to keep your dog as healthy as possible, they need to have regular check-ups and routine hygiene. If you don’t look after their hygiene then they might get infections or other illnesses. This is…


Gym Etiquette 101

The Unwritten Rules of the Gym All gyms have rules for guests to abide by but it doesn’t cover all the unwritten rules established by frequent gym-goers. While these rules may be unwritten they’re a big part of keeping harmony within the gym world. Many people follow gym etiquette to make everyone’s experience at the…