The Great Debate: Wipes vs Paper Towels

Even though the pandemic has been officially declared “over,” people are still being mindful of their cleaning habits. In many instances, the use of spray bottles of disinfectant and paper towels gave way to the use of disinfectant wipes. Even so, there still remains a debate as to which method is best.

Sanitizing or Disinfecting

It’s important that individuals understand the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting products. A sanitizer will kill bacteria on hands and surfaces, but it doesn’t affect viral contaminants. A disinfectant kills bacteria and viruses. Disinfectants are also more effective in controlling fungi that are more resistant than bacteria and viruses.

Spray Bottles and Paper Towels

Paper towels are a convenient way to clean and almost everyone has them in their home or business. They’re simply thrown away after using. The disadvantage is that people also have to carry around a spray bottle of disinfectant. The paper towel method tends to spread contaminants around. Storing those supplies can be a real problem for businesses.

Owners would rather put that space to more productive use within their enterprise to increase revenues. Homeowners typically don’t have the available storage space for all that. There’s the added consideration of storing large amounts of chemicals on the premises, along with keeping track of stock to prevent running out.

Disinfectant Wipes

The use of disinfectant wipes is more convenient and cost effective than other methods. Wipes don’t spread contaminants like paper towels. There’s no spray bottle to carry around or chemicals that must be stored in businesses or homes.

A Personal Preference

Ultimately, the decision to use paper towels and sprays or wipes is a personal preference. Disinfectant wipes are equally applicable for use at home and businesses. They’re available in containers of multiple sizes to accommodate any need. Wipes are especially beneficial in child-related environments such as schools and daycares. Children often forget to wash their hands or even use a tissue. Disinfectant wipes offer a convenient and cost-effective means of controlling bacteria, fungi and viruses on any surface.

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